Women & Child Development ministry
Nawaaz Ahmed’s novel ‘Radiant Fugitives’ inspects troubled relationships but still offers hope
Saloni Sharma
Watch: Woman dances on zebra crossing in Indore for social media post, will be booked, says minister
Scroll Staff
‘What does the security of the nation mean when the security of its women is at risk?’
Neera Chandhoke
Crime and the single, independent woman: This novel asks uncomfortable questions
Madhumita Bhattacharyya
Reading Afghanistan as the Taliban take over: Seven books (none of them by Khaled Hosseini)
Suhasini Patni
A novel that asks what a young woman’s life is like when there only men around her
Parinda Joshi
Watch: Woman journalist reports live from Kabul as Taliban takes control of Afghanistan
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A new book explores the seamy side of dating, relationships and marriage from a woman’s perspective
Bevinda Collaco
‘Goodreads’ readers #ReadWomen. Why English departments should do the same
Karen Bourrier, The Conversation
These profiles of Indian women who fought to become physicians remind us how they were erased
Priya Balasubramanian
Watch: Meet the world’s oldest power-lifter, Edith Murway-Traina, who turns 100 years old this week
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This novel asks what would have happened if the Mahabharata had been the story of the women in it
Ira Mukhoty
‘The Illuminated’: A novel that puts grieving and women’s agency in conversation with each other
Saloni Sharma
‘The Good Girls’: This investigation into the death of two sisters in UP in 2014 is bone-chilling
Maya Mirchandani
‘A Begum and a Rani’: How Hazrat Mahal of Awadh and Lakshmibai of Jhansi joined the 1857 rebellion
Rudrangshu Mukherjee
What happens if caste enters the debate on sex work? These ‘notes in the margins’ ask the question
Manjima Bhattacharjya
Watch: Tennis player Naomi Osaka is now a Barbie doll
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Arundhathi Subramaniam’s new book maps the unique journeys of four lesser-known spiritual travellers
Nikhil Govind
This book recovers the stories of India’s first women doctors, often ignored by history
Kavitha Rao
‘The Begum and the Dastan’: A novel that shows how to write history without condoning it
Isa Ayidh